Quick Reference Guide:
| MPR | Game Clock | On Field | Stances | Blitzing | Fumbles |
6U | 12 plays | 8 min quarter, NO OT | Two | 2 point stance only | Not Allowed | Dead ball behind LOS, live ball beyond |
7U | 8 min quarter, one OT |
8U | 10 min quarter One OT | None | Live ball |
9U |
10U | 10 plays | No restrictions | No restrictions |
11U |
12U |
13U |
Players: 8 players
MPR: Based on roster size
and AT that specific game: 12 plays (roster 16-25), 10 plays (26-30), 8 plays (31-35)
Ball Size: Wilson K2, Nike Peewee, Spalding Rookie, Rawlings R2CFB-PW-B
Scoring: No scores kept at 6U.
Game Clock: Four 8-min quarters, 10-min halftime, running clock.
No OT for 6U (no scores kept).Play Clock: Max 1 min between plays (enforced at ref's discretion)
Stoppages: Coach time outs (2 per half), injury and official time outs and change of possession (1 min)
Coaches: Two (2) coaches on the field with the team, must remain 10 yards from the line of scrimmage at start of play.
Fumbles: Ball is blown dead if fumbled behind line of scrimmage. Ball is live if fumbled beyond line of scrimmage.
Special Teams: No PATs, no punting, no kickoffs. Ball will be placed at opponent 35.
Punting: No punts, on 4th down offense has the choice to either go for a 1st down or to move the ball to the opponents 35 and change possession.
Stances: All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).
Offensive Formation: Must run a 5-3 with all linemen in the tackle box. All backs must be behind line of scrimmage. Only backs and ends are eligible pass catchers and the QB cannot catch his own pass. Direct running I
S ALLOWED in 8-man football.
Defensive Formation: Must run a 4-3-1 with no player lined up over center. Linebackers must be 3 yards off of L.O.S. and defensive backs must be 5 yards off of L.O.S.
Blitzing: NO Blitzing! A blitz is defined as any player not on the line who immediately upon the snap of the ball makes a forward rush towards the L.O.S.
Penalties: Minor penalties 5 yards, Major penalties, 10 yards. Lining up over the center and blitzing, 1st violation is a warning, subsequent violations are 10 yard penalties. Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot
Players: 11 players
MPR: Based on roster size and AT that specific game: 12 plays (roster 16-25), 10 plays (26-30), 8 plays (31-35)
Ball Size: Wilson K2, Nike Peewee, Spalding Rookie, Rawlings R2CFB-PW-B
Scoring: Scores will be kept at 7U.
Game Clock: Four 8-min quarter, 10-min halftime, modified clock. Only one (1) OT in reg season.
Play Clock: Max 1 min between plays (enforced at ref's discretion)
Scoring: Same scoring as all other levels. There will be an extra point attempt after all touchdowns (to reduce the number of ties).
Stoppages: Coach time outs (2 per half), injury and official time outs and change of possession (1 min)
Coaches: Two (2) coaches on the field with the team, must remain 10 yards from the line of scrimmage at start of play.
Fumbles: Ball is blown dead if fumbled behind line of scrimmage. Ball is live if fumbled beyond line of scrimmage.
Special Teams: No punting, no kickoffs. Ball will always be placed at opponent 35.
Punting: No punts, on 4th down offense has the choice to either go for a 1st down or to move the ball to the opponents 35 and change possession.
Stances: All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).
Offensive Formation: All offensive backs must be behind the line in some kind of formation. However, one (1) back may split out no more than 5 yards outside of the TE.
Defensive Formation: Must run a 6-4-1 defensive set with linemen 1 yard off the L.O.S. and no player lined up over center. Linebackers must be 3 yards off of L.O.S, corner backs must be 5 yards off the L.O.S. and safeties must be 7 yards off of L.O.S.
Blitzing: NO Blitzing! A blitz is defined as any player not on the line who immediately upon the snap of the ball makes a forward rush towards the L.O.S.
Penalties: Minor penalties 5 yards, Major penalties, 10 yards. Lining up over the center and blitzing, 1st violation is a warning, subsequent violations are 10 yard penalties. Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot
8U & 9U
MPR: Based on roster size and AT that specific game: 12 plays (16-25), 10 plays (26-30), 8 plays (31-35)
Ball Size: Wilson K2, Nike Peewee, Spalding Rookie, Rawlings R2CFB-PW-B
Game Clock: Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock. Only one (1) OT in reg season.
Play Clock: 45-seconds (enforced at ref's discretion as needed)
Stoppages: PATs, between quarters, coach time outs (3 per half), injury time outs, official time outs and change of possession (1 min)
Coaches: No coaches on the field.
Special Teams: No rush on punts, FGs or PATs (kicking). No kickoffs, ball will be placed on opponent's 35 after a TD, FG or Safety.
Punting: No More Magic Punts! Punts must be declared and there is no rush on punts and no gunners on punts (leaving at the snap), all players must remain in place until the ball has been punted. The rest of the punt play is a normal play (can be returned).
Stances: All players must be in a standing 2-pt stance with hands on or above the knees (no hands on the ground).
Defensive Formation: No more than 6 defensive linemen on the L.O.S. or rushing the ball and no player lined up over center. Linebackers must be 3 yards off of L.O.S., corner backs must be 5 yards off of L.O.S, and safeties must be 7 yards off the L.O.S.
Blitzing: NO Blitzing! A blitz is defined as any player not on the line who immediately upon the snap of the ball makes a forward rush towards the L.O.S.
Penalties: Lining up over the center and blitzing, 1st violation is a warning, subsequent violations are 15 yard penalties. Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot.
10U & 11U
MPR: Based on roster size
and AT that specific game: 10 plays (16-25), 8 plays (26-30), 6 plays (31-35)
Ball Size: Wilson TDJ, Nike Junior, Spalding Junior, Rawlings R2CFB-J-B
Game Clock: Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock.
Only one (1) OT during regular season.Special Teams: No kickoffs, ball will be placed on opponent's 35 after a TD, FG or Safety.
There is nothing special about the punts or PATs, they are normal football plays.Penalties: Two-point stance violation is a dead ball, 5 yard penalty enforced from the previous spot
12U & 13U
MPR: Based on roster size
and AT that specific game: 10 plays (16-25), 8 plays (26-30), 6 plays (31-35)
Ball Size: Wilson TDY, Nike Youth, Spalding Youth, Rawlings R2CFB-Y-B
Game Clock: Four, 10-min quarters, 10-min halftime, Modified Clock.
Only one (1) OT during regular season.Special Teams: Kickoffs, punts, PATs as normal football plays.