Website Manager

Hampshire Jr Whip-Purs Football & Cheer

   January 20, 2025  <<AGENDA>> <<MINUTES>> 
   December 16, 2024   <<AGENDA>>   <<MINUTES>> 
   November 18, 2024   <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   October 21, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   September 16, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   August 19, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   July 15, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   June 24, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   May 13, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   April 22, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   April 2, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   March 12, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
  ! February 10, 2024**    <<MINUTES>>
   January 29, 2024  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   December 18, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   November 19, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   October 30, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   September 25, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   August 28, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   July 31, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   June 27, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   May 23, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   April 25, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   March 20, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
  February 20, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   January 23, 2023  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   December 20, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   November 28, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   October 25, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   September 19, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   August 22, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   July 18, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   June 23, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   May 26, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   April 18, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   March 7, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   February 17, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
  ! January 27, 2022*  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>
   January 13, 2022  <<AGENDA>>  <<MINUTES>>

* Meeting of January 27, 2022 was a special meeting called to allow a special election for the vacancies in the Board.
** Meeting of January 27, 2022 was a special meeting called for the purposes of approving an affiliate league.

Unless otherwise stated, the Board of Directors meets on the third Monday of each month to conduct the business of the Organization.  These meetings are open to the public, however only members of the BOD may participate in the meeting itself.  A portion of each meeting will be opened to public comment, allowing those in attendance to address the BOD.

Minutes are posted on the website once approved by the Board at the following meeting.  Draft minutes are not posted to prevent inaccuracies from being accidentally disseminated.  

Questions may be directed to the Board Secretary, Kurt Kojzarek.